how to make roasted chicken thighs



  1. heat the oven to about 420°F (215°C). while it's heating up, do this:
  2. wash the chicken thighs under cold water, massage them a little bit
  3. put them in a pan lined with foil, deep enough that jus won't get everywhere when they're done
  4. cover them with olive oil, then balsamic vinegar
  5. season well with onion powder, then garlic powder, then cayenne, then paprika, then powdered sage
  6. flip the thighs over and season them again
  7. flip the thighs so that the skin side is up (if they have skin) and salt them with a little bit of salt, but not a ton bc we don't want hypertension
  8. throw a bay leaf in for every three to four thighs
  9. cook in the pre-heated oven for about 45 minutes until done (internal temp of 165°F/74°C)
  10. take them out of the oven, baste them in the jus, and then let them sit for like 5 minutes
  11. enjoy